Advocates for Diverse Leaners (ADL)

In It Together

Welcome to Oceanport ADL

Oceanport ADL’s mission is to facilitate communication between students, parents, staff, the Board of Education, and the community, with regards to issues surrounding the district's special education programs. Our goal is to improve the quality of special education district-wide. All parents of children with diverse abilities who may have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) who are educated in schools within or outside of the student’s home district are invited to be part of the ADL. Parents do not need special training or background knowledge to be a member of a ADL. Other members may include: school leaders, members of the Board of Education, teachers, Child Study Team members, and other school professionals students and former students other parents committed to improving education in their district community leaders and other citizens.

Meeting Dates for 2023-2024:*

*All meetings will take place at 7:00pm in the Maple Place Media Center unless otherwise noted.

  • Monday, October 2nd, 2023

    • 'What is ADL?' A state of the Union from our Director of Special Services

  • Monday, December 4th, 2023

    • Tri-District Meeting with SEPAG Members from West Long Branch, Monmouth Beach, and Shore Regional!

  • Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

    • Tri-District 'Meet & Mingle' at Beach Tavern Restaurant, Monmouth Beach 7:00pm

  • Monday, March 4th, 2024

    • Meeting with OP Parents only

  • Monday, April 24th, 2024

    • Tri-District Meeting: Special Guest Speaker at Monmouth Beach School 7:00pm

  • Monday, May 13, 2024

    • Meet & Greet with Shore Regional's Director of Special Services at Betty McElmon School WLB 6:00pm

Contact Information:

To contact the ADL Executive Board, please email

Click on the Twitter icon below to follow us @oceanportadl!

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